Love Thy Neighbour
I'm constantly learning lessons in life, some quicker than others. Today, I learned to keep my doors locked even if I'm home. Evidently nowadays one can't even enjoy a gorgeous summer day running in and out of the house at leisure and listening to tunes on the radio. While upstairs getting ready to head to the pool, I hear a knock on my door. I'm thinking to myself, "Oh crap, I wonder who that is" because I can't get to the door right now in my current state of dress (or not) as the case may be. Thinking after incessant knocking, this person would kindly cease attempt and walk away, I start to resume my pool plans. Then I hear the door open! I hear, "Hello!". I "hello" back hustling to find something to cover myself and I manage to find the corner of the wall at the landing at the top of my stairs. While I'm annoyed that my neighbour's kin takes the liberty to help herself to my house and all the while I'm trying to explain to her that I can't come to the door, she's loudly telling me to turn down my bass (apparently Lightning 100 is such a bass-booming station) because my neighbor is terminally ill and somehow because she hears "I'm Christian" that's supposed to make me walk downstairs partially naked and turn it down! Even the better in this episode is that in my fertive attempts to tell woman at my door why I can't come downstairs, she claims she can't hear me out of her left ear because my radio's too loud. Although my radio couldn't quite compare to the noise level at the last rock concert I attended, I did comply with her request because I'm not tacky like that. But, sheesh, the next time they have a request, I'd prefer them use the phone!