Oi, mush!

a random assortment of thoughts, ideas, musings, and adventures around town

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Who's the grown up?

Remember that post about learning lessons everyday? Well, here's another one. I'm a wee bit embarrassed to say that I was scolded by a 3 year old. We were sitting in a circle in Bible class singing 'Happy & You Know It' and one of the kids did something and I said 'Oh my gosh'. And I was quickly corrected by precocious Ellery that I'm not supposed to say that and I should say "Oh my goodness" instead. I suddenly felt smaller than 3 feet high and made sure to tell Ellery that I was sorry. It's amazing how much kids really do pay attention even when you think they're not! Apparently, I have a lot to learn about kids!



At 9:43 AM, Blogger Jesse Faris said...

Hey! I did go to Auburn...98-02. I saw Michael/Mary Strickland's blog on your links...did you go to the ACSC? I feel like we might know each other...? Weird but cool!

At 10:15 AM, Blogger Michael Hickerson said...

Yes, you just haven't been scolded utnil you've been scolded by a three-year old...

Similiar thing happened to me a few years ago...I used the word "kill" as in "I'd kill for..." and my friend's three-year old took me to task for it...

At 3:23 PM, Blogger amanda said...

hey jess,
i was at AU from 95-dec 98, but i actually left auburn for nashville august 99. 98 was my graduating quarter, so i doubt i was around the ACSC as much, but i still managed to make it to church most sundays!
how do you know katie? small world, ehh!


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