Oi, mush!

a random assortment of thoughts, ideas, musings, and adventures around town

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Things I've learned

This morning while finishing off a bowl of cereal (and procrastinating getting ready for work!) I picked up off my bookshelf that 'Live Learn & Pass It On' book. So, I was inspired to list a few things of my own that I've learned this year:

...the more things change the more they stay the same
...that I am a unique person full of qualities that everyone should want to get to know
...that I am strong-willed, stubborn, and these traits were dutifully passed onto me by previous generations
...that there is so much going on in the world that I should never be bored
...it's okay to dream and it's okay for those dreams to be redefined in the course of life
...about justice, freedom, and opportunities created by generations past
...that American culture should take a lesson from European culture concerning stress-free living
...that I can accomplish what I set my mind to do
...that society, rich or poor, shares their wealth in times of need
...that the Bible is really not that old-fashioned and I should seek its knowledge more often
...I can laugh at myself till I cry

Of course, I'll most certainly add to this list as I think of more!



At 9:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi amanda,

I've seen this post before but important things are always worth reminding. After all, repetition is the mother of learning.

At 6:12 AM, Blogger Michael Hickerson said...

Interesting to take point one--the more things change, the more they stay the same--with the point about the Bible not being old-fashioned. One thing that fascinates me in really studying and reading the Bible--esp. the Old Testament is how there is nothing really new under the sun. In our modern soceity, we seem to think, oh we've invented so many new ways of stressing out/sinning and wow, we're so much worse than they were back in Biblical times. Then you flip open and read some of the prophets or Paul's letters and you go--huh, I guess we haven't really got the market cornered after all. We've prettied it up a bit and called it a new name, but it's the same kind of thing. And then--I often go, why didn't these people learn from their mistakes and see how they should get into a right relationship with God with the sheer overwhelming evidence in favor of that.

And then comes the hard question--what about me? Yeah, that's a tough one to consider.

I could go on and on and on....

At 6:35 AM, Anonymous new clinical study said...

Nicely said...


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