Oi, mush!

a random assortment of thoughts, ideas, musings, and adventures around town

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Another fun tag game!

"I'm looking forward to the Country Music 1/2 marathon, sharpening my guitar playing abilities, painting, traveling, a couple of Nashville symphony pops performances, and Memphis in May, just to name a few."

This was me talking about how I love Spring and all of the fun things I had to look forward to!
A great time was had on all except still need to work on sharpening the guitar playing abilities!

Now, I tag: anyone who would like to play since evidently our little blog circle is limited to the same folks as the last tag!

The rules: 1) Go into your archive. 2) Find your 23rd post. 3) Find the fifth sentence. 4) Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions. 5) Tag 7 other people to do the same.

Have fun!!



At 12:13 PM, Blogger Michael Hickerson said...

Ah, yes....the blogsphere can be quite contracted at times....

At 8:12 PM, Blogger LB said...

Why does it always have to be Tag? Can't we approach it as Dodgeball??


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